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The Climb

As you climb through the five unique zones, each with its own wild beauty, you push yourself to the limit. But with every step your self-confidence grows, fueled by delicious meals and your expert guiding team. 

On our LEMOSHO ROUTE & SPIRAL ROUTE we include a free 2-day Lodge Safari after your climb.


Highest Peak

Kilimanjaro is a stark and dramatic island rising from a sea of clouds. Within the protective confines of Kilimanjaro National Park, this awe-inspiring mountain is a dual-peaked wonder – Kibo and Mawenzi – twin towering giants in the brilliant sun.

But your Kilimanjaro climb is just the start of a wondrous journey. After achieving the majestic Kibo peak, brace yourself for an untamed adventure on a wildlife safari, and immerse yourself in the spectacle of the massive animal migration. Then embark on an enchanting odyssey back in time on the fabled island of Zanzibar.


An exhilarating encounter with nature awaits on your first day. You climb through the lush rain-forest of Kilimanjaro, where narrow trails wind beneath a canopy of towering trees, where black and white Colobus monkeys bark at you from the upper branches.


You emerge from the lush embrace of the rain-forest, humbled by the grandeur that awaits. As you trek through three distinct vegetation zones, the greenery recedes, leaving you exposed to the raw splendor of the rugged terrain on your summit ascent.



The pinnacle of your journey. After countless days of trudging up the trail through the thinning air, you reach the summit, the crown of Africa. Take in the wilderness below and let the feeling of euphoria wash over you, your reward for your perseverance.


Amazing Glaciers

Kilimanjaro’s glaciers steal the show, despite their slow retreat. The real spectacle unfolds on your final day climbing the mountain. Along the challenging LEMOSHO and TUSKER SPIRAL Routes, we descend into the crater, close to the summit, for an unforgettable night’s camping. Among the glacier’s icy expanse, we forge ahead to the Ashpit, where smoky fumaroles reveal Kilimanjaro’s dormant volcanic core. It’s a journey where nature’s grandeur and geological secrets converge in a thrilling adventure.

Your Kilimanjaro Guides

Your mountain guides are the heart and soul of your adventure. They bring a richness of knowledge and experience, critical to the success of your journey. As you rise to the challenge, your guides ensure that you are fully prepared and ready to face the challenge, with focus and resolve. They are your safety backstop all the way to the summit and back down, as you undertake this incredible adventure.

Kilimanjaro’s Summit

Thousands of Tusker Trail climbers say that reaching Kilimanjaro’s summit was one of the most incredible experiences in their lives. They say it’s magical. And when you get there you know exactly what they mean.

A Life-Changing Experience

A Kilimanjaro climb is more than just an item to check off your list. It’s a transformative experience. Because with each step on this epic journey, you feel a sense of empowerment and the realization that you can accomplish almost anything. This powerful emotion stays with you for the rest of your life.

Re-energize in Tusker’s Signature

Mountain Camp

Your camp should be a sanctuary after a grueling day’s hike, a place to rejuvenate and replenish your strength. It should be a refuge where you can relax and share stories with your fellow climbers, nourishing the camaraderie. It should also be a place to fall into a deep slumber in specially designed full sized walk-in mountain tents, engineered by Tusker’s founding guide, Eddie Frank, for the unique conditions on Kilimanjaro.

Your delicious meals are prepared by chefs trained by the Culinary Institute of America. Their food nourishes you, thrilling your taste buds and feeding your spirit, fueling you for long days on the climb. Tusker’s Adventure Kitchen is the ultimate culinary experience on the mountain.

The Kilimanjaro Experience

The experience and the challenge on a Kilimanjaro climb is one of pure wildness and raw beauty. It is a journey that takes you deep into the heart of Africa, where the land is wild and the people are fiercely independent. As you make your way up the mountain, you are surrounded by towering peaks and endless skies, the only sounds the crunch of your boots on the rocky terrain and the distant call of the wildlife.

The climb is demanding and grueling, but the rewards are well worth it. As you reach the summit, you are greeted by breathtaking views of the surrounding wilderness and a sense of accomplishment that is truly unparalleled. The Kilimanjaro experience is one that will stay with you for the rest of your life, a reminder of the wildness and beauty that still exists in this world, and the power of human determination and spirit.

But it’s not just a physical challenge, it’s also a mental one. The altitude, the cold, the solitude, all conspire to test your willpower and push you to your limits. But when you reach the top, standing on the roof of Africa, you’ll realize that it was all worth it. The view is truly spectacular, and the feeling of triumph is indescribable.

A Field Guide to the Flora of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro, the majestic mountain of Africa, teems with life. A verdant tapestry of vegetation drapes its slopes, beckoning the curious and adventurous to explore. Amy and Eddie Frank, alongside Swiss biologist Thomas Rüegg, embarked on a decade-long journey to document the diversity of this flora. And from their labors a comprehensive field guide was born – coveted by climbers from every corner of the globe. To set foot on Kilimanjaro is to be enveloped in a world of natural splendor. And with this guide in hand, you’ll be able to savor every moment of your climb.

Co-author, Amy Frank Talks about the Flora…

“I have always been amazed by the diversity of the Flora on the lowlands and slopes, of Kilimanjaro. It was a shame that no compendium of the Flora existed as a learning tool. As luck would have it Eddie and I met Swiss biologist, Thomas Rüegg who also felt the same way. Ten years and dozens of summits later, we published our field guide, “The Flora of Kilimanjaro.”

The Best Climbing Routes

There are seven routes through the wilds of Kilimanjaro National Park, all leading to Uhuru Peak, the summit. But Tusker climbs four of the most scenic LEMOSHO, TUSKER SPIRAL, MACHAME & MARANGU. Each one is a unique challenge, each one guaranteed to give you the ultimate experience. The latest route, forged by Eddie and Amy Frank is the Tusker Spiral Route, a true masterpiece of the mountain. A circumnavigation of Uhuru Peak, it takes in the untamed trails of the north, west, south, and east, with extra days to acclimatize to the thin air. This is the longest and most rewarding route, but also the one most likely to lead to the summit.

Most companies climb to the summit at midnight. However, we have found that a daylight summit climb takes advantage of the magnificent views and warmer temperatures. This allows you to get a good night’s rest, essential for a successful summit bid after many tough days on the trail. We do a daytime ascent on our longer routes – LEMOSHO & TUSKER SPIRAL.

Eddie Frank, Tusker’s audacious founding guide who trained the elite Special Forces of the US Army at high altitude, and his partner Amy, have been training Tusker’s own elite team of Kilimanjaro Mountain Guides for almost two decades. Tusker’s guiding team have guided thousands of climbers to the summit over the past four decades, with an impeccable summit success rate of 98%.

Just imagine – embarking on a journey to the summit of one of the world’s most majestic peaks on a Kilimanjaro climb, surrounded by climbing companions of your choosing. You can tailor your own Kilimanjaro climb. The flexibility to choose your own dates allows you to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Simply reach out to us and inquire about the possibilities of a private climb and let us guide you on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Kilimanjaro’s Climbing Seasons

The weather on Mount Kilimanjaro varies by altitude and season, with each season having a unique appeal. See the summary below to find out what the weather is like throughout the year. After years leading climbers to the summit in all kinds of weather, we are happy to talk to you about the best time to climb.


In the southern hemisphere, during the months of December, January and February the sun shines brightly, and the air is hot and dry, making it an attractive time for climbing. However, as the climate changes, we are seeing an increase in precipitation during this traditionally dry season. Weather patterns that once seemed predictable are shifting, making it important for climbers to gear up accordingly.


Fall begins in March and goes through April and May. As the weather starts cooling, the rainy season approaches. For safety reasons (slippery ice near the summit) Tusker does not run any climbs from Mar 15 to May 30. It is typically very wet at lower altitudes and starts to get dangerously icy on the crater rim towards the summit.


Winter begins in June and continues through July and August. During this season, you will experience the beauty of snow-covered peaks and glaciers. This is the most pleasant, coolest time of the year, and is one of the more popular seasons to climb.


Spring occurs in September, October, and November. It brings new life as the countryside welcomes you with colorful blooms. As this is the short rainy season, Tusker does not run any climbs from November 15 to December 10.


Weather & Webcam

We are in the business of staying on top of Kilimanjaro’s weather conditions. From days to months out, we adjust our climb logistics according to historically predictable weather conditions. Additionally, as a Kilimanjaro first, Tusker Trail has been operating a live Kilimanjaro webcam since 2004. Tusker has also created the web’s most comprehensive Kilimanjaro Weather resource page where you will find Moshi and Summit weather forecasts, live wind and satellite weather maps, climb tips by elevation zone and weather based climbing gear recommendations where you can benefit from Tusker’s 48 Years years experience of leading Kilimanjaro Climbs.

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Kilimanjaro Weather Page >

Kilimanjaro Weather

Before you climb be sure to check Tusker's Kilimanjaro weather page, with Kilimanjaro forecasts, wind and satellite mapping, plus weather -based climbing tips.
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Live Kili Web Cam

Today's current view of Mount Kilimanjaro by Tusker Trail's KILICAM in the foothills of Kilimanjaro, uploading live photos around the world since 2004.
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